Impactful Gathering and Facilitation Resource Guide (download)
This workbook is a resource that will help guide you in hosting impactful, caring gatherings that foster connectivity and strengthen relationships.
Gathering is used broadly to mean anything from social events to workshops to weekly staff meetings. Adjust words such as meeting, event, gathering, project, etc. so that is applicable to your situation.
Look at the table of contents - what parts stick out to you most? Start there. Or, scroll through the pages and stop at whatever part first pulls you in. Life isn't linear, and how you interact with this workbook doesn't need to be either!
This workbook’s intention is to:
Give you the tools and resources to harness the power of gathering people to continue to build our movements
Give you confidence & support to gather people to work, learn, update, build, collaborate, mourn, decide, disrupt, reflect, and celebrate.
Inspire you to think about the responsibility and power of making space for people to be held
Bring you softness in knowing that the work of learning, growing, and being accountable is ongoing; and
Feel connected to the art of building relationship-centered spaces, and how it is critical to our collective survival and joy.