So you want to make a consensus based decision? HERE'S HOW (with example timing)

1) Rolls that need to be filled (ideally 2 each depending on length of meeting)

  • Facilitator

  • Note taker

  • Time keeper

2) Facilitator identifies & gives overview of proposal or discussion topic (10 minutes)

  • Facilitator also overviews how consensus decision making works and allows for questions.

3) Form small groups or caucuses based on identity (5 minutes)

  • Caucuses can form as workplace teams, race, gender identity, physical location, etc. There can also be a combination of caucuses, or be random.

  • For example, you may have a LGBTQ+ caucus and a marketing team caucus. LGBTQ+ folks from the marketing team can choose which caucus they’d like to be in

  • If needed, ask group if there are certain identity caucuses that they want to be in or that they want to be represented (i.e. you can ask folks if they’d like to have causes based on gender identity or location)

4) Small groups discuss their feelings or ideas regarding the discussion topic or proposal. (15-30 minutes)

  • At the end of the discussion (~3-5 minutes before), each group chooses a “spoke” (i.e. one person to report back what was said in the smaller group.)

  • If at any point someone in the smaller group wants to say something to the larger group, they do so through the spoke

5. Each group reports back while notes are being taken by the note taker (10-20 minutes)

  • Facilitator inquires if there is any feedback or thoughts about what has been reported back

  • Further discussion is had through the spokes until all small groups feel complete

6. The facilitator summarizes what has been said & makes new proposals based on feedback. (5-20 minutes)

Facilitator inquires if further discussion is desired or if folks feel good about the summarized new proposal with a temperature check

  • Temperature check with thumbs

    • Thumbs up = I feel good about this decision

    • Thumbs middle = I’m unsure/need discussion/have questions

    • Thumbs down = I don’t feel good and cannot move forward with the proposal as is

  • Temperature check 1-5 by Leah Mether

    • 1 - I like it, am on board and can easily accept this decision.

      • 2 - I accept this decision but may have some questions/points to clarify at a later time.

        • 3- I can live with this decision even though it may not be my preferred option.

          • 4- I don’t agree but I will not block this decision.

            • 5 - I loathe it and cannot accept this decision.

    • “Roll call”

    • At points throughout the agenda, call on each person in the space. The person can either share their thoughts, questions, etc. or pass

    • If facilitator receives middle or down thumbs, or 3-5, or concerns/questions are raised during roll call, space is made to discuss thoughts or concerns

  • The summarizing & new proposal process repeats until everyone feels good enough to move forward

7. If needed, folks can also go back into caucuses to discuss the amended proposal (10-15 minutes)

Steps 4-7 or 5-7 continue until each caucuses gives their approval on the proposal or all discussion topics have been worked through.

If you’re interested in more decision making facilitation strategies, check out The basics of an impactful agenda: structure and timing.


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